Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Check Engine Light

There is nothing in the world more discouraging than the check engine light.

Usually it comes on for no apparant reason to the driver. In that moment in which that unfortunate orange light blinks on, nothing seems to be different about the car except for the fact that the driver now feels the four steps of panic, irritation, dread, and finally acceptance.

The first stage is OH GOD THE LIGHT'S ON MY ENGINE IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE. This lasts only briefly since, as mentioned before, he or she realizes that not a thing seems to have changed.

The second stage is the face-reddening irritation of trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Why did this happen again? Why did it have to happen the day after I took the ol' gal to the car wash for a nice bath and an interior vacuuming? The day I was most proud to ride around in her?

Next, it's the cold, hard realization that this just might cost some money to fix. Jeez, doesn't this hunk of junk know we're in a recession? (Cable news told me it was the Great Depression Part 2!! Hmm, maybe my car only watches Sportscenter.) Sometimes, maybe the gas cap has just been screwed on wrong. And then other times, there's 600 bucks of repairs necessary.

Finally, there's acceptance. A lot of people out there "have a Guy." The Guy is the one you always turn to for auto repairs, and you know he won't try to screw you over. At this point in the Check Engine Light Saga, these people are able to take a deep breath, get the car home without crashing into that pink Celebrity that's driving too slowly in the next lane, and know that they can call The Guy tomorrow.

Usually, those without a Guy reach acceptance only after they decide that maybe I won't pay the cable bill on time this month, because I'm going to have to take it to some place I've never been and ultimately pay for a lot of crap I don't need because they know that I know nothing about cars.

If you are in the situation described above, without trying to sound too much like a blatant advertisement for our services, we've got a great service department here at Payne. Know that in these times a lot of the reliable dealerships are focusing on heightening their customer service even more, so to better establish consumer confidence in the auto industry. The long and short of it: your trusted GM dealer is not trying to screw you. (And you should definitely pay your cable bill on time, because Comcast is not so forgiving. Say goodbye to the "Cash Cab" marathons you love so much.)

And if you are considering letting Payne Chevrolet handle your repairs, stop by, say hi, and let us be your "Guy."

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