Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beautiful Springfield and Robertson County

Springfield is a beautiful place to live and work in. But for those that didn't grow up or live here for a long time, moving into town can be difficult at first. In any relatively small town, where people are very familiar with each other and not familiar with you, it can be weird at first.

So that's why I've put together a handy guide of things that I've learn since I came to town. Hopefully it will assist those who are new, and maybe inspire those citizens of Nashville, Clarksville, Bowling Green, and Hendersonville to come take a look at the town and our store.

1) Springfield has a wealth of local restaurants that are great places to eat. If you are driving into Springfield from the south on Memorial Blvd., it might be a bummer at first to see so many big signs for fast food joints and no immediate indication of nice local eateries. However, as you delve further into the town, you'll find truly wonderful places like The Depot, The Catfish House, and (for the ladies) Burdett's Tea Shop. Take a look for these places on Google Maps before you head up to buy your new car at Payne, that way whenever you inevitably find the Malibu of your dreams and drive off the lot with it, you'll have a great place to celebrate at.

2) Also good info for the ladies: the men in this town will open doors for you. All. The. Time. This might make a traditional woman blush and a more liberal lady a little peeved, but know that the guys in this city mean well. It's incredibly refreshing, really, to go to a place where people still have manners.

3) Robertson County is still a thriving agricultural area. In fact, it is called the tobacco capitol of the world! Dark fire tobacco is grown here, and from what I hear it is just a revelation to pass a barn that is curing the leaves. The smell of the tobacco burning is supposed to be very aromatic. Even if you aren't a tobacco user, surely you must appreciate the work that goes into growing a quality crop.

4) This county is also home to the Bell Witch. She haunts people... or something.

5) Springfield was a candidate to be the official home of "The Simpsons." When the "Simpsons" movie premiered in 2007, Springfield, TN was one of 13 Springfields across America that competed to host the film's premiere. Vermont's Springfield was the eventual winner, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Homer lives there. The 2009 episode "Coming to Homerica" included a joke referencing Homer and Marge's Springfield as "Tennessee Titans country," so there is evidence and still hope that just maybe, perhaps we are the One True Springfield.

Well, I hope this guide has been helpful. Here at Payne, we have nothing but respect for the town we belong to - the town that the Payne family has called home for more than 80 years. Supporting this dealership means supporting a group of employees that really try to give Springfield a good image every day. And really, doing so is just good business - not one of us wants anyone from Nashville or Clarksville to walk away with a bad impression of the town, because then they might get a bad impression of us. So we do what we can for Springfield, because it has done has much for us.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Check Engine Light

There is nothing in the world more discouraging than the check engine light.

Usually it comes on for no apparant reason to the driver. In that moment in which that unfortunate orange light blinks on, nothing seems to be different about the car except for the fact that the driver now feels the four steps of panic, irritation, dread, and finally acceptance.

The first stage is OH GOD THE LIGHT'S ON MY ENGINE IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE. This lasts only briefly since, as mentioned before, he or she realizes that not a thing seems to have changed.

The second stage is the face-reddening irritation of trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Why did this happen again? Why did it have to happen the day after I took the ol' gal to the car wash for a nice bath and an interior vacuuming? The day I was most proud to ride around in her?

Next, it's the cold, hard realization that this just might cost some money to fix. Jeez, doesn't this hunk of junk know we're in a recession? (Cable news told me it was the Great Depression Part 2!! Hmm, maybe my car only watches Sportscenter.) Sometimes, maybe the gas cap has just been screwed on wrong. And then other times, there's 600 bucks of repairs necessary.

Finally, there's acceptance. A lot of people out there "have a Guy." The Guy is the one you always turn to for auto repairs, and you know he won't try to screw you over. At this point in the Check Engine Light Saga, these people are able to take a deep breath, get the car home without crashing into that pink Celebrity that's driving too slowly in the next lane, and know that they can call The Guy tomorrow.

Usually, those without a Guy reach acceptance only after they decide that maybe I won't pay the cable bill on time this month, because I'm going to have to take it to some place I've never been and ultimately pay for a lot of crap I don't need because they know that I know nothing about cars.

If you are in the situation described above, without trying to sound too much like a blatant advertisement for our services, we've got a great service department here at Payne. Know that in these times a lot of the reliable dealerships are focusing on heightening their customer service even more, so to better establish consumer confidence in the auto industry. The long and short of it: your trusted GM dealer is not trying to screw you. (And you should definitely pay your cable bill on time, because Comcast is not so forgiving. Say goodbye to the "Cash Cab" marathons you love so much.)

And if you are considering letting Payne Chevrolet handle your repairs, stop by, say hi, and let us be your "Guy."

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Car You Miss the Most...

Welcome all, to the official Payne Chevrolet blog! This blog will be a direct connection from this dealership to you, as well as a celebration of the Chevy branding.

Today, most people associate the Chevrolet brand with popular trucks like the Silverado or crossovers like the new Equinox.

But I confess to being a huge fan of the long-lost Chevy Celebrity.

They were beauties, weren't they? Long, rectangular beauties. The mid-size sedan is not as popular today as it was in the 80's and 90's, it seems. The Lumina (another favorite) succeeded the Celebrity before the style was dropped altogether, and the only mid-size that Chevrolet sells in 2010 is the gorgeous Malibu. But I will forever remember the simplicity, the grace, and the 90-degree angles of those Celebrity models from the 80's.

One of my best buddies in high school drove one of these things around. He painted it - well, he said he painted it purple, in honor of Prince, but that color was definitely pink. He drove an electric pink Celebrity and because he was the first of us to get a car we all rode around in it.

Everyone has a story like that, right? Everyone has a favorite car from their youth that, while maybe not in the best condition, held some great memories. (I don't even want to imagine the debaucherous acts that took place in Chevy Vans across America.)

Classic cars don't always have to be souped-up old hot rods. Classics are often the cars we hold dearest to our hearts.

And my heart definitely has wood paneling.