Monday, March 1, 2010

Preventative Care

In our nation's healthcare debate, one of the big issues being discussed is the idea of getting health coverage for better preventative care.

Preventative care is basically just taking good care of yourself every day, and going to a general care physician frequently to make sure everything's in proper working condition, instead of just waiting to get sick. It could save people thousands of dollars down the road if diseases are caught early or prevented altogether.

Makes sense, right? Well, in truth, we also must do that for our cars. Any major investment one makes in life, whether it be one's house, car, or health, must be taken care of.

However, too many people don't take their cars in for check ups, or wait until something breaks to bring it in. This results in huge service bills that could have been avoided, or could have at least been evenly spread over time. It just makes sense to take precautions on the vehicle now, so you won't have to deal with major malfunctions later.

One of Payne's new services is a great example of preventative care: Nitrogen Tire Inflation.

Traditionally, your tires are filled with oxygen. As many of you out there know, as your tires deflate and lose pressure, not only is the overall performance of the car affected, but so is the gas mileage.

A fill up of Nitrogen reduces the chance of tire failure by reducing oxidation in tires, making them last much longer. It improves fuel economy by keeping a more consistant pressure level, even in all different temperatures.

In short: it keeps your tires, and your whole vehicle, healthier for longer.

Payne is using the NitroFill service to inflate tires with nitrogen. Using NitroFill doesn't mean that you have to buy new tires, you just have to bring your car with your current tires in and, 20 minutes later, you'll have Nitrogen-filled tires. If you want to go to NitroFill's website, you can check out an estimate of how much money you would save in gas with your current vehicle, to see if it is worth your money:

But even if you're not sure about Nitrogen-inflated tires, you should still be taking regular care of your car. Maybe just bring it into the service department for a check up? Your car will thank you, and you will return the thanks when it lasts you an extra five years than you thought it would.

Take care of you body, and your car. You'll want both to be around for awhile.

P.S. If you do want the NitroFill, mention that you saw this blog online and you'll get a discount at Payne!! Also, NitroFill offers a Triple A-like service to customers, so ask about it when you come in.

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